Wasabi 2.0 RTF
De Wasabi is een snele en lichte kite voor veel vliegplezier.
Door zijn verstevigings latten in de cel opening kan deze vlieger zeer sherp in de wind vliegen.
Formaat : 200cm x 66 cm
Oppervlakte: 1.10m²
Doek : Ripstop nylon 40g
Wind: 2 - 6 Bft
RTF : polsbanden / Dyneema 2 x 25m 100kg
Speed, agility and power. These are the characteristics of your new Wasabi, which is completely redesigned for 2018. The Profile Support gives a good feedback in light wind conditions and extra power boost in strong wind. Dabei sind alle Größen sehr ausgewogen und gehen recht freundlich mit Böen um. That's why we thoroughly recommend the 2.0 and especially the 2.5 for inland kite flying. And those of us who like it lean and mean choose the 1.5.
Clever design, decent material and solid craftsmanship make the new Wasabi a long lasting piece of sport equipment that never gets boring.